It is a common reality that many hardworking Americans are unaware or choose not to research the fact that they are being deceived by the government on a daily basis. Their focus is on managing their busy lives and responsibilities. Regrettably, when they tune in to their preferred news channels after a long day, they are presented with falsehoods that are often endorsed by established media outlets. Many of these networks have reporters and anchors with affiliations to one political party or another, with a majority being tied to the Democratic party. Consequently, their reporting tends to portray Democrats as trustworthy, despite the fact that they are actually the more dishonest party compared to their counterparts. Present-day news outlets prioritize opinion and entertainment over delivering unbiased and factual news to the American public. Furthermore, these media companies are often owned by large entertainment corporations, which influences their agenda. They have a vested interest in promoting President Biden as the next leader, hence they deliberately avoid showcasing the decline in his mental faculties over the past two years, as evident in public appearances captured by other sources. Instead of providing actual footage of his speeches, reporters merely summarize his statements. Democrats enjoy the support of the entertainment industry, which is evident in their ability to manipulate the narrative to suit their daily objectives. In this scenario, we, the public, are merely secondary characters in their production. Americans should be more discerning when choosing who to vote for, as Joe Biden is not a viable option. Your decision to vote for Biden reflects your level of intelligence or lack thereof.
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